High Bar Barbell Back Squat Tutorial
Grab the bar as close as your shoulder mobility allows.
Place the bar in the high bar position on the shelf created by the upper trapezius.
Pull the elbows back and pull the shoulder blades down towards the back pockets.
Walk the weight out in three steps.
Stand in your comfortable stance with your feet pointed slightly outwards.
Look straight ahead, take a big breath and hold it.
Lower the weight by spreading The floor and pushing the knees out in the same direction as your toes.
Stand the bar up to the start position and exhale.
Conventional Barbell Deadlift
Walk to the bar into the bar is an inch away from the shins.
Line the bar up to the mid foot.
Bend at the hips and grab the bar with a mixed grip.
Take a big breath in.
Sit into position, Bum down, knees out,
Squeeze your armpits to your pelvis, Shins back,
Crown of the head to ceiling and push the world away.